Which game do you think is the winner of this holiday season?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

A Journey to be savoured

I can't hep but liken Journey to a story of a life. From the tentative ambling hops of your beginning, to the confident, swooping strides of adult life, to meeting a stranger to spend your time with, to your slow shambling loss of this physical freedom as you reach the end of your tale.  A little deep for a game that involves flying around a desert and making beeping noises but the best metaphor for this wordless masterpiece.

As I'm sure anyone who is reading this is already aware you begin in a nondescript desert with a shining mountain top in the distance.  The hand-holding so apparent in many modern games doesn't exist here and you're more or less left to decide where to go from there.  A few button presses and you're taking your first small hops and glides around the landscape and sliding down the odd dune.  Like a newborn fawn, you're beginning to find your feet and begin your journey in the only direction that seems to have a point (literally and figuratively).

Before long you've collected a few of the glowing symbols the dot the landscape and your flights and glides have increased.  It's enjoyable to soar around the landscape and all would be lovely as a single player experience.

What sets Journey apart however is the subtle yet affecting multiplayer.  The first fellow wanderer I came across filled me with a feeling of desire to share this desolate, lonely world with someone.  And whilst I adventured through Journey I met around 10 or so other souls to share my journey with.  Whilst I was with them the world became a slightly better place and after the brief but effective story sections, I found myself seeking out my nameless fellow wanderer in the new section of the game.  I was also reluctant to turn off the game whilst I was with someone and at times had to drag myself away from a playthrough so as not to just plough through the game in one sitting.

Multiplayer gaming is in quite a state if you ask me. I'll write in more detail about why I think this some time soon but the Journey  gets multiplayer, amongst many other things, right.

Some won't get it, will miss the point entirely and I can only imagine in years to come people will be amazed as this nears the top of best game ever lists.  The premise is simple.  The input minimal.  But the Journey is an experience not to be missed. 

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